Saturday Club

The club is aimed at children from 5 years to about 11 years, or later depending on their level of need.  We work closely with parents to provide a individual plan for each child to ensure both the child and parents feel comfortable within the club and therefore feel able to participate in group activities.  With the help of the staff, and the fact they are amongst other children with ASD, they then go onto develop social skills and build friendships.

Youth Group

A club for 11 t0 18 years old, we extend what we do within the younger Saturday club session by introducing more life skills activities including shopping, cooking, washing up etc. The members work together to prepare a meal that is then shared as a group at the end of the session. We plan more advance art and craft activities and the members come together to share personal interests.

Plus Club

This club is specifically designed to go out and about and take the young people aged 11 to 18 to access mainstream activities, such as the cinema, go karting, shopping and bowling.  The young people take an active role in planning the activities which normally take place between 10am and 2pm.  They are encouraged to manage their own money and use their social skills to do things like book their own train tickets.